- Die-cast aluminium housing- Extruded aluminium column- Pre-treated before powder coating ensuring high corrosion resistance- Single cable entry- One IP68 connector supplied with 0.2 m of 3x1.0 sqmm outdoor cable- Stainless steel fasteners in grade 304 with zinc flake coating (ZFC)- Durable silicon..
IP66 LED Weatherproof BattenLED支架採用高流明輸出LED光源,達到120lm / WPVC防霧罩,防眩光。裝非常簡單,可從背面或側面供電。內部六角螺絲,無固定夾設計。可提供懸架固定夾。高品質的驅動器和電容器,確保出色的工作性能。鋁壓鑄外殼工作溫度-25℃至35℃CE, CB, ENEC, SAA approved...
Featuresmpower®Fascia是市場上第一條極其緊湊的三色外圍照明產品線。 Fascia的下一代設計和安裝選項使燈幾乎可以集成在車輛上的任何位置。可輸出雙色和三色
Ability to integrate visually into today’s police vehicles
Collaboration with Dow Corning® to develop ClearDuty™ optical design
ClearDuty molded one-piece housing and optic design delivers advantages over conv..